Cats on Tuesday, My World Tuesday, Ruby Tuesday, Watery Wednesday, Window Views and doors too, This Way - Thurs Way, Skywatch Friday, Look at the Sky Friday, Weekend Memoirs, Weekend Reflections, Scenic Sunday, Shadow Shot Sunday, Straight out of the Camera (Sunday) ...Photos other than those with special mentions are my own Copyright.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Memories on Weekends - Moved

Our Weekend Memoirs

Created by Ebie and Company.
Please click the badge above and join the fun.


Weekend Reflections as hosted by our friend James of Newtown Daily Photo Blog.


The season is lighting up in the lambent glow of its glitterati mood.

Pause for a moment: Life is made up of sobs, sniffles, and smiles, with sniffles predominating. ~O. Henry, The Gifts of the Magi

Beverly has a physical disability. She survived a third degree burn, drowned and dreadfully abused when she was a child. Deaf and mute, she is an orphan too. For all the adversities she went through, she never stops smiling and helping others. And I love her.
