From Dot to Tom over to Host Klaus with Sandy, Ivar, Wren, Fishing Guy and ...Louise. SkyWatch Friday continues to create a huge sensational Phenomenon in the Meme World. Please keep Skywatching every Friday....the Sky is just above you. Look UP!
The sky is the daily bread of the eyes. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
The sky, a perfect empty canvas, offers clouds nonetheless. They shift and drift and beg interpretation... such is the nature of art. ~Jeb Dickerson,
We had a beautiful day last Friday week but bit windy. I was seriously washing clothes by hands in my kitchen sink and when I looked up the window I saw these beautiful clouds swiftly rolling by. It was such a compelling view and not one to miss that I grabbed my Eric and ran outside the backyard to chase them.
I even went to the extent of pulling a heavy chair outside so I could stand a little bit higher to catch the sight behind the tree that obstructed the sky view. I also aimed Eric in another angle as I was really fascinated by the shape. The clouds down below looks like an alien spacecraft with ET riding on it. I don't know. Sometimes I have funny optical disillusion. lol. Getting cross-eyed perhaps!