Cats on Tuesday, My World Tuesday, Ruby Tuesday, Watery Wednesday, Window Views and doors too, This Way - Thurs Way, Skywatch Friday, Look at the Sky Friday, Weekend Memoirs, Weekend Reflections, Scenic Sunday, Shadow Shot Sunday, Straight out of the Camera (Sunday) ...Photos other than those with special mentions are my own Copyright.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Show Me the Way to go Home at TWTW

A route of many roads leading from nowhere to nothing. ~Ambrose Bierce

Yet, I ended here. I mean I am tired living everywhere though it helps enriched my experience. Today, I can't complain for I am now peacefully and blissfully settled here. Welcome to my nest home.

A very quiet footpath that takes us to where ever we go.

The entrance gate to the visitor's carpark

This tree is the most popular habitat of our local birds. Morning, noon and night time, birds choose to frolic here. The old man has built a bird house for them to come and visit as frequently as they could. We love listening to their music, their twittering and chirping noises that condensed into a symphonic bird concert until twilight.
