Cats on Tuesday, My World Tuesday, Ruby Tuesday, Watery Wednesday, Window Views and doors too, This Way - Thurs Way, Skywatch Friday, Look at the Sky Friday, Weekend Memoirs, Weekend Reflections, Scenic Sunday, Shadow Shot Sunday, Straight out of the Camera (Sunday) ...Photos other than those with special mentions are my own Copyright.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Brighter Skies before I went away

Skywatch Friday #18

From Dot to Tom over to Host Klaus with Sandy, Ivar, Wren, Fishing Guy and ...Louise. SkyWatch Friday continues to create a huge sensational Phenomenon in the Meme World. Please keep Skywatching every Friday....the Sky is just above you. Look UP!

The sky is the daily bread of the eyes. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

My first SKYWATCH ACTIVITY after a short stow away to New Zealand. Today are just one of those bright days in the sky I took two months ago during a trip to the southwestern part of New South Wales where I accompanied a friend to a pilgrimage.

Next post will be about the FASCINATING NEW ZEALAND skies! Please Skywatch it!


These three shots were aimed above the cave when the clouds kept rolling while the people were praying.
