Cats on Tuesday, My World Tuesday, Ruby Tuesday, Watery Wednesday, Window Views and doors too, This Way - Thurs Way, Skywatch Friday, Look at the Sky Friday, Weekend Memoirs, Weekend Reflections, Scenic Sunday, Shadow Shot Sunday, Straight out of the Camera (Sunday) ...Photos other than those with special mentions are my own Copyright.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Springwood in the Blue Mountains

My Scenic Sunday #5 so far

Scenic Sunday

Rounding the countryside this time, I thought if I can show you a countyhome somewhere in the Blue Mountains which is just 72 km from Sydney by train, bus and car. What about giving other Scenic Sunday sites a visit and leaving a line of your appreciative comment?

Sometime in 2005, my girls and I visited a family friend who lived in Springwood. We were taken to this beautiful country home with beautifully laid Terrace Garden both front and back. Spacious in the inside in all areas of the house including the four bedrooms. It is an open plan with huge space of lounge, rumpus, kitchen and dining combine; you can even dance with so much to roam for such a place.

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